
Student Birthdays!

When a student in my classroom has a birthday we like to celebrate!  Besides getting a birthday necklace to wear, they also get a birthday balloon like this:

I order the medium sized Pixy Stix and my team and I divide them up and split the cost.

I also send home a "Birthday Bag" to the birthday student.  They get to take the bag home with them and read the book, Happy Birthday To You by Dr. Seuss.  Then, there is a class book that they will add a page to.  The student will write about something they wished for on their birthday and draw a picture to match. The next day, that student returns the bag and gets the chance to read their page they wrote to the class.
Birthday Book Downloads {click each one to download}:

 While we are on the subject of birthdays...What do I do with the students who have birthdays while we are off track (year round school), on the weekend, or during the summer?  Well, we have an UN-BIRTHDAY PARTY, of course!  Basically we celebrate everyone's birthday all in one day (or one hour)!  I buy a cake, we exchange gifts (we draw names and each student brings a gift for whoever they drew for), and we play party games.  Oh yes, we also watch Alice in Wonderland (not my favorite movie, but it goes with the "un-birthday" theme).  Who doesn't love parties? It's so fun and perfect for the end of the year!  Click HERE to find out more!

What do you do for birthdays in  your classroom?

Clipart and/or fonts by Diane J. Hook and used with permission by

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