
Management Monday: Handwriting

I don't really know if handwriting is a topic to be talked about on Management Monday, 
but I can make it a stretch, right?

At the beginning of the year, I like to practice handwriting lots and lots {and all year long!}. They have to know my expectations. I make sure that they know how to properly form each and every letter. After they've got that down, I give them some independent practice as fast finishers.

This is how I teach letter formation using handwriting lines {click here to download}:

I laminate this one and have them practice letters while using dry erase markers:

{Click the picture to download}

I copy this one and have it on hand as a fast finisher. They can practice memorizing their color words and handwriting {I have them color the pictures too}.

{Click the picture to download}

I teach them this "b and d song" from Mrs. Stamp for FREE on TpT. :)

{click the picture to go to Mrs. Stamp's TpT}
You might have seen this from a post wayyy back:

I have a little sneaky motivator in my classroom that I use to help the students with their handwriting.  If I notice that they do a great job and they are really working on forming the letters correctly and taking their time, I will give one student a "Neat Treat"--Well, I actually don't give it to them, I leave it on their desk and the note says that it is from the Handwriting Fairy.  The Handwriting Fairy leaves the neat treat on their desk and the student finds it when they come to school the next day. And the crazy thing is...Mrs. Smith didn't even see a thing! They love getting a treat, especially when it's from a fairy! It's an automatic motivator!

I put the treat on their desk along with some "fairy dust".

You can get the handwriting fairy tags and MORE in this packet....

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