
1-2-3 Spell with Me!

My students have had such a blast in Word Work practicing their spelling words! Here's what one of my kiddos did today:

That honker of a keyboard was found at my local thrift store!  I got it for a whopping $4!  I bought a few more and my students LOVE to "type" up their spelling words on them! You could also print off a keyboard on cardstock and laminate it.

This recording sheet and 15 spelling activities are available in my new TpT packet!

This packet includes 15 spelling activities for your students to practice their spelling words independently! Each activity comes with a kid-friendly direction sheet for you to post in your classroom.

This packet works with spelling word lists from 1-20 words! I've included a variety!

Activities included:
*You're My Type 
*Call Me, Maybe
*Sentence Builder
*ABC Order
*All Scrambled Up
*Size Them Up
*Rainbow Words
*I Spy Apples
*Run, Run Rudolf!
*Cloud With a Chance of Words
*Sunny Spelling
*Stop and Reverse
*Pen, Pencil, and Marker
*Roll and Repeat
*123 Count with Me

Check it out {here}
On sale just tonight!!!!!!!!!

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