
Are You Ready for Vegas?! {3rd Annual Teacher Blogger Meet Up}

Our Teacher-Blogger meet up is ONE month away!!

This will be our 3rd annual teacher blogger meet up. If you've ever joined us before, you know there will be lots of fun, lots of laughing, and lots of prizes to give away! Thanks to our two main sponsors Staff Development and TeachersPayTeachers, we will also have some yummy refreshments to serve!

Here's a big group shot of all the bloggers who attended last year!
{Check out more pictures from our 2012 and 2013 meet ups!}

At last year's meet up we gave away hundreds of prizes and this year will be no exception! We have lots of surprises in store for this meet up, so PLEASE join us!

(A peek at last year's prizes. All donated by our awesome sponsors!)

What you need to know:

*All teachers are invited to this meet-up! You do not need to have a blog to attend this special event!

*You can RSVP on our official Facebook event page: HERE! (If you are planning to come, please RSVP so we can get an accurate count for refreshments.)

*Please don't be shy! Every year we have people who are worried about not knowing anyone. This is a great opportunity to say hi to some of your favorite teacher-bloggers, as well as meet new friends and connect with teachers from all over!

*You can download a name tag template {here} and bring it with you! We will also have some already printed and ready to go if you don't get a chance to make your own! Thank you to Traci for making these for us!

*The meet up will be held at the Venetian, but the actual conference room number will be posted closer to the meet up. Follow our Facebook event page to get updates on the exact location.

We are super excited for our Vegas trip this year and know the Teacher-Blogger Meet Up will be the best one yet!!
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